Physical safety


Sarah Vanheuverzwijn

Trauma-informed, injuries monitored. Beyond safety and risk with new paradigms.

Text | Reflections on safety and risk by Nick Verginis

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RIGGERS. How a Global Community is born

Text | On the RIGGERS' project journey by Lorenzo Albiero

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MAD Festival

On collective atmosphere: safety values to be better together

Text | A retrospect on the panel during 'Creating Safer Spaces: a session for (circus festival) organisers' by Valentina Barone

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Workshops and sessions

Kasper Mols

Prevention, first aid and rehab for acute soft tissue injury by by Inne, Kriz and Wim

Discover the PEACE and LOVE guidelines for the different phases before and after soft tissue injury.

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Joe Alvoeiro

Monitoring the health and wellbeing of circus artists by Marion Cossin (CRITAC) and Janine Stubbe (Codarts)

Discover the added value of health monitoring in circus.

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breathing techniques

Physical ways to improve your mental vitality by Bjorn Fierens

Breathing is literally life. It’s the first thing we do when we’re born, and it’s the last thing we’ll do before leaving this planet. But perhaps we u

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Resources about physical safety

Discover interesting references provided during the workshop 'Prevention, first aid and rehab for acute soft tissue injury by by Inne, Kriz and Wim'.

First Aid Policy in a Circus Setting

PEACE & LOVE method

Circus accidents are quite specific and require a tailor-made first aid policy. Within Ell Circo D'ell Fuego, Inne & Wim Verheyen developed a First Aid Policy in a Circus Setting based on the PEACE & LOVE Method. Discover the references* that were used in the design of the first aid in a circus setting by Ell Circo D'ell Fuego.

*References form the online course 'Management of soft-tissue injuries - The Running Clinic'

Intermittent fasting

Read how intermittent fasting can improve your overall health condition and wellbeing in 'Intermittent living; the use of ancient challenges as a vaccine against the deleterious effects of modern life – A hypothesis' by Leo Pruimboom and Frits A.J. Muskiet.